Cookie policy

If you don't already know, cookies are small text files which a web site places on your computer.

We use cookies to provide you with a better experience when you are using our site. For example, we record your selections from our menus, so we can set a page to the way you left it. That makes it easier and faster to find what you are looking for.

We don't collect any personal information about you, or any details about your computer, and we don't pass on any information to third parties about how you have used our site.

We're not on our own in using cookies - many websites employ them for the same reasons we do.

When you click "Got it" in our cookie notice, your decision will be stored and we won't ask you about our cookies again.

However, you can always use your browser's tools to remove cookies (including ours) at any time you wish - if you do that (or you clear your browser's history) you'll need to accept our cookie policy again when you next visit our site.

Thanks for visiting and supporting ActDrop - we hope you enjoy using our site and find it useful.
