For theatres, PR agents & production companies
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About our listings
Currently, we list shows in London for West End, Off-West End and Fringe theatres.
On average, we have around 600 current and upcoming show listings at any time.
We also have information for over 180 London theatres.
Our listings are highly detailed and include access information where available.
And we update show listings daily, throughout the week.
ActDrop theatre listings provide our visitors with detailed information including:
- postal address and map
- email addresses (where public)
- admin and box office phone numbers
- access details
- current and upcoming shows
- direct links to 'buy tickets' pages.
If you're a theatre manager, or responsible for listings information for your theatre, please check the information we have for your venue, and let us know if any details change.
You can add the image below to your website and link to your theatre listing page on our website.

If you need a different size of image, just let us know your requirements.
We check theatre websites regularly and input listings to our site for shows which are scheduled to run for at least 4 days.
We don't usually list shows which are only to play for a day or two - simply because it is too time-consuming.
However, if you have a show running for less than 4 days, we will list it if you complete our online listing form (see above).
We're happy to list shows at the theatres we list, as well as site specific venues.
As we specialise in theatre, we don't normally list dance, or stand-up comedy shows.
We have a regular cycle for checking theatre websites, so if you announce a new show, you'll probably find that it becomes visible on our site very quickly.
However, if you want to ensure your show is listed with us, you can complete a form and send it to us.
Video trailers - on average, we carry around 100 show trailers which users can view in a list, or in our detailed show listings.
We only display video trailers from YouTube and Vimeo accounts.
If you have a trailer for your show, or a video that you'd like us to feature, then send us the details (via our news item form) and we'll get it onine for you.
We review shows at theatres throughout the greater London area.
We are usually contacted by producers or theatres or press agents to arrange a review.
If you'd like to invite us to review a show, please use our contact form.
News and features
We're always on the look-out for news items - and, on our home page, we also carry a feature, usually with video.
If you have some news for us, or a special event or festival coming up, or would like us to feature your theatre or show, then just get in touch.
Links directory
We're building a database of information about UK theatre organisations, production companies, theatre charities, festivals and much else besides.
We already have over 300 link listings each of which include descriptions, video (where available) and contact details - and we add more daily.
You can check our links section to see if your organisation is already listed.
If it isn't, then feel free to contact us, and we'll get your info online as soon as we can.
Advertise with us
We have a range of ads and pricing to suit all budgets.
You'll find full details about our ads and our rate card here.
When we don't have paid ads to display, we often highlight campaigns we support.
If you would like us to promote your campaign, you can contact us here.